Welcome to Lavish Curls! Thank you for stopping by and preparing for your journey to healthy hair growth. By the time that you are done learning what you need to know it will no longer be a journey, but a lifestyle. Healthy hair starts at the scalp. You have to know the condition of your scalp and what it needs. Is your scalp healthy? Is it dry? Is it flaky? Is it itchy? Do you have any scalp disorders? For me personally, I had scalp psoriasis since the age of 12 which causes a overproduction of skin cells that causes dry flaky patches that stick to my scalp and can cause hair loss and thinning if not treated properly. I had to learn how to take care of this scalp disorder, because if I didn’t my hair would continue to not grow anymore. I struggled with thinning, breakage, and hair loss and felt hopeless. Fast forward, I learned how to create a healthy scalp through Neem oil treatments for my scalp and was able to have a “healthy scalp”. A healthy scalp is the start of hair growth because it has nothing stopping it or slowing down hair growth. With a healthy scalp Lavish Curls hair growth oil is able to penetrate the scalp and stimulate blood circulation to increase hair growth. It also helps to make the scalp moisturized, so that it is not dry and helps with dandruff and flaking. Our oil strengthens the follicle and aids in thickening your hair. It helps to make your scalp healthier with essential oils and herbal extracts that focus on scalp health and hair growth. Paired with reducing heat styling and tools, getting trims when needed, protective styling, and moisturizing you should see a increase in length retention. Drinking plenty of water, exercising and eating healthy is also beneficial to hair growth as well.
Good luck! Are you ready to lavish your curls?